About My Spiritual Beliefs + My Work:
At its core, I believe spirituality is the remembering that we are all interconnected, which is why, as a spiritual being, I believe it’s important to bring awareness to/uplift the voices and experiences of those who are oppressed by supremacy culture + colonization. Neglecting the very real, harmful + deadly experiences of others and the ongoing suffering in our world is not spiritual. We all incarnated here on Earth, at this time, to be gentle and kind stewards to the Earth and to one another, and to co-create with the life around us, as well as the Universe. We have an undeniable responsibility to one another, which is why my spiritual practices and beliefs are inextricably tied to collective liberation. I know there is a version of the world possible where everyone is free.
As White people, the majority of us are complicit in ignoring the injustices that unfold around the world on a daily basis due to our privilege and the systems and structures that are in place that indoctrinate us from birth. It is critical that we use our privilege to disrupt and call out these systems and ingrained oppression whenever we can. For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to make a difference in this world during my blip of a time here, and I will always do my best (and continue to learn and unlearn) to prioritize the stories and experiences of those who have been silenced by oppression and colonization.
That is why I believe in a free Sudan, Congo, Palestine, Haiti, Hawai’i, Puerto Rico and many other countries around the world affected by oppression.
some fun facts:
I’m a Leo Sun. Leo Rising + Virgo Moon.
My Pronouns: She/They
I am an astrologer + have studied the stars for over a decade.
I am clairsentient, clairaudient + clairvoyant + am a psychic medium.
I am a Tarot reader.
I sleep with my grandma’s urn on my nightstand.
I’ve seen and felt ghosts, entities + Spirits since I was a child.
My mom’s family is from Mexico (originally by the way of Spain); and my dad was of Welsh + Swedish ancestry. I continue to study curanderismo and many of my practices stem from that part of my ancestry.
You Are Made of Magic
You Are Made of Magic
You Are Made of Magic
You Are Made of Magic
You Are Made of Magic ✶ You Are Made of Magic ✶ You Are Made of Magic ✶ You Are Made of Magic ✶